



Wenger was originally called Boechat & Cie in 1893 after founder Paul Boechat in the small town of Courtetaile. A few years later the company was purchased by a number of in entrepreneurs and renamed The Fabrique Suisse De Coutellerie SA. Shortly after that, Theo Wenger was promoted to director of the company and renamed it Wenger & Co SA in 1901, which was later shortened to just Wenger SA.

Wenger produces dozens of different Swiss Army Knife models. And while most of them can be and are referred to as multitools, the ones included in the list above generally place more emphasis on the plier function or scissor function than most.
For information on Wenger knives, visit:


Wenger's Delmont Switzerland facility

Created by Bob. Last Modification: Saturday 16 of April, 2016 00:06:48 CEST by sLaughterMed.
